Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I'm the kind of person who grades my days by how much I've done. So, yesterday when I was sitting in Rawene Community Center feeling completely useless and felt like I was wasting my time I was irritated. I was only there for about an hour and a half and that's all they had planned for. This is not what Jill Nerheny had in mind for me at all. It was noon when I was done there so I walked to the local bakery and grabbed some lunch and then took a bus back home. I had some journaling to catch up on and there was a baby shower at the house so I hid in the office and enjoyed myself. Later on Aunty Jane, Sonia, Aunty Jill and Odette and I went and shot some pool to relieve the stresses of our days.

The one great thing out of the day was that I got to talk to an Iraqi woman who was taking an ESL(English as a Second Language) class. Her son is was a Tampa Refugge who came over and was stuck on the Tampa for almost 14 (months or weeks I can't recall). Due to the war in Iraq I was a bit nervous about talking to her, I feared her disaproval of my heritage. It was such a reality hit!! I was talking to someone first hand who is from the country my own country is fighting with. We were able to talk and hold a civilized conversation with her and we were peaceful and friendly. She hugged me as the conversation ended and I thought to myself "wow... if only it was this easy for others..."

Today I went to the Northcote Community House. THe NCH is available to different organizations in the community to use. Today, there were ESL classes going on. I sat down with the manager and he was able to describe all the contributions they are able to do for the community. It's crazy how big of hearts these people have!!!! They way they talk about helping others is absolutely inspiring. His name is Wallice he's got the body of Hagrid, the voice of Dumbledore, and the beard of Santa Clause. He was pretty cool! I really enjoy being able spend so much time with organizations who are out there in the community and improving it! These people have a heart for others that can only come from God Himself but, it's interesting to see how God isn't even a facter in their lives.

Pray for continuous knowledge.


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