Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Bunny of a Day

Today I worked with Jill Nerheny, because Easter is nearing and we went from primary to primary delivering little easter eggs to the secretaries. If you knew Jill N. you'd be wondering what's the catch, nothing Jill does is that simple or that dull. So, here the catch, I was dressed as the easter bunny. Dawning a neon pink that would put Pepto Bismal to sham, a neon lime green shirt, and purple overalls, I marched into each school waving to all the little faces pressed against the glass which kept them (safely) from the easter bunny. We vistited about 7 primary schools and one intermediate.

But, the most exciting thing was joining the seniors at the YMCA. Sonia's friend Shirlz is a personal trainer and holds aerobic classes at the Y, the Easter Bunny couldn't help but join in the class. Dancing and aerobically exercising the afternoon away with all the cute ladies in their work out clothes and the old men in their sweats.
It made for good show or so I'm told. I sure enjoyed seeing people's faces light up when they saw me coming.

On a more serious note though, I wore that bunny suit all afternoon, including the car. I would wave at the people on the sidewalks, in oncoming cars, and pretty much anyone around, but it was as if I didn't even exist. People were so busy they didn't notice the fluorescent pink bunny in the fluorescent green car. They didn't look up, they went on their way completely consumed by their worldy affairs, but the children, the children they jumped for joy when they saw me. They were loving and adoring, full of wonder and excitement. This reminded me of the story of Jesus and the children. Humans didn't believe him, he judged him, he didn't meet our expectations so we doubted him. But, the children, the children ran to him. They loved him.

Sometimes we need a day in a bunny suit to remind us to slow down and look around, we may just be missing out on Jesus.

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