Saturday, May 9, 2009

My deepest apologies, I'm home.

My deepest apologies to anyone who has been checking this site in
search or news of my arrival back home, I'm here safe and sound.

After traveling with 3 different planes, between 2 different
countries, I for 1 am glad there is no more traveling in my extremely
close future.

My arrival back home was greeted by my very anxious mother, father,
sister, uncle, and grandmother, all of which I was very happy to see.
A familiar face while traveling is like chocolate to an emotional
woman. I'm guessing I don't have to explain that one! :)

I'm glad to be back, although, I miss my time in nz quite a lot,
especially the people.

Since my debut back into Indiana I have been catching up with family
and friends and also attempting to adjust back into the American way
of life, which is more difficult than I had ever imagined. This is
home, home shouldn't have to take time to get used to, but it does.
For three months new zealand was my home, I ate, drank, and slept new
zealand so to be emerged so personally back into what was back then a
familiar thing is quite trying. American ways are much different from
a kiwis.

I know through my experiences I have changed and grown and I am
struggling with finding how that effects my past relationships. This
is what you would technically call culture shock. And it's a little
embarassing to be experiencing it here and not when I was in new

I will continue to use this blog as I discover and uncover more of the
effects my time over seas has had on me.

Until next, I wish you all a happy mothers day.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are going to continue the blog. It was nice to hear you were in church on Sunday.
